IDA IDC Scripts

Call Count Prefixer
Last update: 2005-03-07
When run, this script will parse over the entire IDA database and collect statistics on the number of times each function is called. Each referenced function is then renamed with a prefix containing it's call count. Example:

    sub_12345678 may become 17__sub_12345678

Where 17 represents the number of times the sub routine was called.


Last update: 2005-03-07
A very basic shellcode decoder script that I keep here as a reference.


Function Tagger
Last update: 2005-03-07
When run, this script will register a hotkey that can be utilized in place of "enter" to follow function cross references. The script will tag the visited function with "x__" marking the area as one that has already been examined.


IDA RPC Enumerator
Last update: 2005-12-01
This IDC script will scan through an IDA database locating and marking the relevant RPC server data structures. It will then enumerate the dispatch routines from the DispatchTable. The script outputs the addresses of the discovered structs / functions and was designed to automate the otherwise tedious manual process of locating RPC routines to audit. Last update included a fix in a bug in structure application in newer versions of IDA alsoadding RPC function call number to output display.
