At some point I'll get around to updating this page. In the meanwhile if anyone is curious what I'm up to, this is it:
I've been too lazy and too busy to maintain this site. If you are interested in tracking anything recent of mine check out my home at TippingPoint: Where I started the Zero Day Initiative: Or follow me on Twitter:
This was originally posted over on my company blog site (TippingPoint DVLabs). Since the DVLabs blog is new I'm cross posting here to draw some traffic to it. Tracking down stack overflows is tedious work. Especially when the entire stack is blown away leaving you with crash dumps like the excerpt following this paragraph. This crash dump is from an actual process in case you are curious. Specifically, it is from one of the bugs detailed in TPTI-07-02: Trend Micro ServerProtect eng50.dll Stack Overflow Vulnerabilities. It's pretty obvious that it's game over for our target here. The important question to answer at this juncture is, where is the bug? There are a number of approaches you can take to manually handle this situation. Please add any creative ones you may have as a comment. [INVALID]:41414141 Unable to disassemble at 41414141 from thread 568 caused access violation when attempting to read from 0x41414141 CONTEXT DUMP EIP: 41414141 Unable to disassemble at 41414141 EAX: 00000001 ( 1) - N/A EBX: 0259eedc ( 39448284) - AAAAAAAAAAAAA.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (stack) ECX: 00000000 ( 0) - N/A EDX: ffffffff (4294967295) - N/A EDI: 00000000 ( 0) - N/A ESI: 0259f102 ( 39448834) - AAAAAAAAAAAAA.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (stack) EBP: 00000001 ( 1) - N/A ESP: 0259e2d4 ( 39445204) - AAAAAAAAAAAAA.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (stack) +00: 41414141 (1094795585) - N/A +04: 41414141 (1094795585) - N/A +08: 41414141 (1094795585) - N/A +0c: 41414141 (1094795585) - N/A +10: 41414141 (1094795585) - N/A +14: 41414141 (1094795585) - N/A disasm around: 0x41414141 Unable to disassemble
In this blog entry, I present A command line utility implemented in under 150 lines of Python code which provides an automated solution to the task of tracking down the source of a stack overflow. This Python utility leverages PyDbg, a pure-Python win32 debugger interface. PyDbg is part of the larger PaiMei Reverse Engineering Framework. If you've never heard of PaiMei before, follow the link to learn more.
0259fc24: TmRpcSrv.dll.65741721 0259e7b4: StRpcSrv.dll.65671190 0259e7a8: Eng50.dll.61181d8c 0259e790: Eng50.dll.611819a0 0259e564: Eng50.dll.61181a50 0259e2d0: Eng50.dll.61190fa4 -- 41414141 0259e03c: Eng50.dll.61190fd2 Examining the vicinity of the last return address in the list, we find: 61190FC7 lea edx, [esp+288h+szShortPath] 61190FCB push esi 61190FCC push edx 61190FCD call _wcscpy 61190FD2 add esp, 8
The wcscpy() is the source of the stack overflow. The origin of the overflowed buffer is obvious in this case, it resides in the current function frame with a size of 600 bytes. Had the overflow occurred in a buffer originating further up the call chain the stack_integrity_monitor would have told us. In this case we see the stack mismatch occurred at stack address 0x0259e2d0 which should contain the return address 0x61190fa4 but instead contains 0x41414141. Had even a single byte of the return address been overwritten, stack_integrity_monitor would have detected it.