Python Automobile Traffic Analyzer2005-02-24

It's been at least 6 months since I last looked at PyTrAn (Python Traffic Analyzer), but I came across it today and decided to organize some documentation and release it on the research/code page.

It's an interesting little side-project the goal of which was to automate traffic camera image analysis for the purpose of generating real-time traffic congestion reports. It has already reached a usable state though definitely short of my grand vision for where it could be. I'm sure at some point in the distant future I will find another burst of motivation to further it along.

Site Reborn2005-02-21

With the purchase of new server and the move to a new datacenter I figured it would also be the appropriate time to update my website.

I removed some stagnant content, added some projects / code I've had laying around and gave the whole site a face lift. While currently far from complete I have the vision in mind and will fill out the site in the coming weeks.